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Chancellor’s Honors Program minor (CHP) 25-26 program of studies

The Chancellor’s Honors Program Minor is designed to deliver key knowledge, skills, experiences, and dispositions needed for students to engage effectively—as a multidisciplinary community of scholars—with complex problems. Using the framework of human-centered design-thinking and problem-based learning, the minor prioritizes a collaborative and methodical approach to learning and ideation to address contemporary issues.


University Honors Induction

  • UNHO 101: Honors First-Year seminar (1 credit hour) or college equivalent


Problem-Solving Sequence

  • UNHO 207:  Complex problems and human-centered design (2 credit hours)
  • UNHO 307:  Complex problems and opportunities (2 credit hours)
  • UNHO 407:  Iterative Solutioning (2 credit hours)

Communication Enhancement

  • Vol Core approved honors Written Communication (WC) course (3 credit hours)
  • Vol Core approved honors Oral Communication (OC) or Applied Oral Communication (AOC) (3 credit hours)

College/Departmental Honors Courses

  • Choice of one honors course in student’s major or related to student’s problem focus; OR one course focused on design/problem-based learning (3 credit hours)


  • UNHO 497 Honors Capstone (3 hours required; variable credit and repeatable) or approved departmental capstone course equivalent

TOTAL: 18 credit hours

Chancellor’s Honors students are highly encouraged to actively participate on campus and serve the community. Chancellor’s Honors students are expected to make timely progress towards honors graduation while maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Students not meeting expectations will be required to complete additional academic coaching and support. In recognition of their exceptional academic achievement, Chancellor’s Honors students receive special graduation recognition.