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Why Honors?



Honors students at The University of Tennessee are involved in a vibrant community that is dedicated to the volunteer spirit, collaboration, and lifelong connections with other Volunteers. 







Honors Living Learning Community (LLC) 

Grow, Learn, and Thrive

First-year students within Chancellor’s Honors or Haslam Scholars enjoy a unique residential atmosphere living with other honors students. Within the LLC, students engage in University Honors-specific programming and social activities and enjoy dynamic experiences within their fellow scholars in their new home.


Through academic coursework, coaching, and exclusive engagement events, students transform into confident leaders, global citizens, and powerful thinkers who can make an impact in their local community and beyond.





Our curriculum is nimble, authentic, active, and student-centered, where students self-direct the purpose and meaning behind their studies and the impact they hope to make. 


Honors Coaching

Supporting Your Journey

Coaches are available to all honors students to ensure they are supported in their personal, professional, and academic goals throughout their journey at UT. 


Life After Graduation 

University Honors students build career competencies and report going to graduate or professional school after graduation almost twice as often as non-honors students (42% versus 27%) and to the top 100 schools at a higher rate (27% versus 11%). They also report a higher mean salary than non-honor students ($60,907.14 compared to $55,676.37).

Honors students engage in challenging but rewarding academic experiences that enable them to solve real-world challenges, excel in their careers, and participate in unparalleled opportunities within their chosen field.


Enhance Your Major

Students can add disciplinary depth in college or departmental honors programs to complement the interdisciplinary breadth achieved in University Honors. They can also access unique classes, like Leading with Courage, taught by Chancellor Plowman and former Governor Halsam.

Support Your Learning

Honors students are awarded merit-based, competitive scholarships that provide additional financial support for their chosen degree. Students also have Priority Registration to select the classes they need early and plan proactively for the future. Exclusive honors spaces, extended library access, and more help scholars thrive.




Additional Opportunities

Students in Honors can also engage in: 


Meet an Honors Scholar creating her own opportunities!

Lisa Patel | Haslam Leadership Scholar, Student Trustee


Lisa Patel is an undergraduate student in the Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Ms. Patel is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering and is a Haslam Leadership Scholar. She hopes to have a concentration in brain computer interfaces, and research its connection to music. In her time at UT, she has become a member of various organizations such as SAA, SWE, and Peer Mentors. Ms. Patel is also a representative on the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees. Her term will expire in 2025. 


“University Studies (Honors), because of its interdisciplinary nature, is also an antidote, albeit a partial one, for the specialization that characterizes the university. The real world of humans and human problems does not segment itself along the arbitrary lines of professional academia.” 

– Alvin G. Burstein, Professor Emeritus, University of Tennessee Knoxville

(Source: We Scholars by David Damroasch)



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