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Academic Advising Strategic Plan

UT’s undergraduate academic advising community seeks to support Goal One of UT’s Strategic Vision: Creating a Volunteer Experience where every student scholar can thrive. This 2024-2030 plan has been reviewed by the Academic Advising Strategic Planning taskforce, its associated workgroups, the Academic Advising Leadership Group (AALG) and the UTK professional academic advising community.

Vision: Lighting the way as a leading academic advising community committed to an environment of student success where everyone belongs and thrives.

Strategic Plan Goals & Objectives: The taskforce created a strategic framework of four goals and twelve objectives. Additionally, there are thirteen preliminary metrics designed to monitor growth and improvement.

View the 2024-2030 AdvisingStrategicPlan_Final.

Strategic Plan Progress Report – 2024 Updates

Goal One: Enriched Experience

Offer student scholars meaningful academic advising that supports their academic and career journey and strengthens their Volunteer experience.

Goal 1 Progress

  1. DSS Culture of Thriving workshops added back to new advisor onboarding [Obj 1.1]
  2. Pilot of in-person advising in Vol 103 Summer 2024 [Obj 1.3]
  3. Pilot of technology assist pre-registration of academic course communities for new students [Obj 1.3, Obj 3.3]
  4. Expansion of coordinated support for required new student advising from Advising & Technology Initiatives office [Obj 1.3]

Goal Two: Inspired Community

Nurture and sustain a student-centered advising community where collaboration, professional development, and well-being is fundamental to its culture.

Goal 2 Progress

  1. Baseline advisor pulse survey sent [Obj 2.1]
  2. Draft of advisor learning outcomes in progress, including alignment with NACADA core competencies, advisor strategic plan and UTK strategic vision [Obj 2.2]
  3. Comprehensive revision of advising career path options, process and requirements, including alignment with NACADA core competencies [Obj 2.2, Obj 4.3]
  4. Piloted expanded participation in the annual Advising & Student Success conference to include UT System and TN community college partners [Obj 2.3]

Goal Three: Advanced Technology

Enhance technology platforms’ usage to enable more streamlined, functional, and user-friendly experiences.

Goal 3 Progress

  1. Advising community participation in the scheduling & course planning workshop [Obj 3.1]
  2. Initial launch of Salesforce into production [Obj 3.2]
  3. Launch of Salesforce super user learning community [Obj 3.2]

Goal Four: Institutional Engagement

Commit to developing and maintaining UT academic advising as a national leader in higher education.

Goal 4 Progress

  1. Baseline increases for all levels of the advising career path in FY25 [Obj 4.1]
  2. Received approval for future baseline increase for all levels of the advising career path in FY27 [Obj 4.1]
  3. Inaugural Vol Success Team Meet & Greet event between faculty, coaches and academic advisors [Obj 4.3]
  4. Revamp of the Undergraduate Council Advising Committee structure and purpose [Obj 4.3]
  5. Advising leadership participation in UTK Transfer Center program review [Obj 4.3]