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Academic advising for undergraduate students consists of four major components: Self Exploration, Career Exploration, Experience Learning and Academic Planning. Central to the model is the design of a common experience for all students. The common experience is achieved by assigning all students a professional academic advisor for their entire UT career and engaging students early in exploring majors and careers and with their chosen discipline.

At the University of Tennessee, we recognize academic advising to be a critical component of the educational experience and student success. By the start of their first semester, all students are assigned an advisor based on their major or exploratory track. This serves to develop and enrich students’ educational plans in ways that are consistent with their personal values, goals, and career plans, preparing them for a life of learning in a global society.

Prior to enrolling for the first time at the university, all degree-seeking first-year students and transfer students are required to meet with an academic advisor in order to sign up for classes. Readmitted students must also meet with an academic advisor prior to reenrolling.

The following groups of students are required to meet with an advisor during each track (fall and spring):

  • All students with fewer than 30 hours at UT Knoxville.
  • Students following exploratory tracks.
  • Students identified as “off track” by uTrack.
  • Students on Academic Probation.

All other students are required to consult with an advisor for a substantial conference during a designated semester each year.

  • Students whose ID numbers end in an even digit are required to meet with an advisor during fall semester.
  • Students whose ID numbers end in an odd digit are required to meet with an advisor during spring semester.