The University of Tennessee would like to recognize students who participate in undergraduate research and fellowships programs/experiences. Through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships, students may apply to receive a cord or the cord & medallion to be worn during graduation.
There are two levels of recognition:
- Excellence in Undergraduate Research and Fellowships – receives a cord
- Distinction in Undergraduate Research and Fellowships – receives a medallion & cord
The deadline to apply for a December 2024 graduation recognition is Monday, December 2, 2024, at noon. Interested in applying for a graduation recognition from Undergraduate Research & Fellowships? Register to attend an information session! Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 5:00-6:00 PM in Hodges Library 213 Register Here! Wednesday, March 5, 2025, 5:00-6:00 PM in Hodges Library 213 Register Here!
If you have any questions on your application or criteria met, please feel free to reach out to or request a 1-on-1 research advising appointment.
Three items from either list will qualify you for the Excellence in Undergraduate Research cord. Starred items are repeatable through multiple event participation.
Excellence in Undergraduate Research & Fellowships
- Discovery Day – Presenter*
- EURēCA or ASUReS – Presenter*
- Summer Research Symposium – Presenter*
- Annual Student Art Competition – Participant*
- Celebration of Excellence Music Competition – Participant*
- DRA (Departmental Research Assistantship) – Recipient
- FRAF (Faculty Research Assistants Funding) – Recipient*
- AURA (Advanced Undergraduate Research Activity) – Recipient*
- URA (Undergraduate Research Students’ Association) – Symposium Presenter*
- URA (Undergraduate Research Students’ Association) – Leadership Position
- Nationally Competitive Fellowship – Applicant* (by permission from URF)
- Pursuit Journal of Undergraduate Research – Reviewer
- Pursuit Journal of Undergraduate Research – Leadership Position
- Completion of Honors or Senior Thesis (or planned completion by graduation date)
- ORNL Research Internship (including SMaRT)*
- UTK discipline specific conference presentation of your research
Two additional items from the list below (after obtaining the level of Excellence) will qualify you for a Distinction in Undergraduate Research medallion. Starred items are repeatable through multiple event participation.
Distinction in Undergraduate Research & Fellowships
- Chancellor’s Award for Undergraduate Researcher of the Year – Recipient
- EURēCA or ASUReS – Award Winner
- Annual Student Art Competition – Award Winner
- Celebration of Excellence Music Competition – Award Winner
- Pursuit Journal of Undergraduate Research – Author*
- Nationally Competitive Fellowship – Recipient or Finalist* (by permission from URF)
- NSF REU (Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates)
- SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship)
- NIH REU (Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates)
- NCUR Presenter*
- Posters at the Capitol (Nashville) – Presenter
- Scholars Transforming Through Research (STR) – Team Member
- Exploration Grant – Recipient
- Research Abroad (minimum of 8 weeks)
- Peer Reviewed Publication – Author*
- Non-peer reviewed or creative publication by individual review – Author*
- Non-UTK discipline specific conference for your research – Presenter*
- Off-Campus (non-UTK) Research & non-UTK related experience, including TVA and Y-12 (excluding ORNL, min 8 weeks) – Participant*
Complete the form below to submit your request to receive the cord or the cord & medallion.
Each application is individually reviewed. A single research or fellowship experience can only qualify for one item. You must provide documentation (for example: award or acceptance letters, links to publications, screenshots, etc.) for each qualifying activity so that we can verify your eligibility in a timely manner. Please upload a single pdf that includes all of the documentation for your activities.
Criteria must be completed by the application date to be valid. To allow for verification time and ordering of materials, applications received after the deadlines posted may not be awarded the cord or medallion in time for commencement ceremonies.
Applicants will receive an email after the deadline with further pickup instructions. The verification window will occur after the application deadline but may occur sooner if applications are submitted earlier than the deadline. Additional information may be requested if needed.