Join CUR
The Council for Undergraduate Research (CUR) is an excellent resource and one-stop-shop for all things undergraduate research.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
Visit the University of Tennessee Undergraduate Research YouTube channel for helpful seminars on a variety of topics.
How to Write an Abstract
Abstract writing is a necessary skill for researchers. If you submit your research for presentations or awards, you will need to learn how to write an effective abstract. In addition to the PDF linked below, students can take advantage of the services available at The Writing Center. They will help you form a concise and informative abstract that will best represent your research and why it is important.
How to Create a Research Poster
Check out this helpful tutorial for creating an effective research poster by Dr. Virginia Stormer, Assistant Director for Experiential Learning in Teaching & Learning Innovation . This includes UT-specific resources that are available to you. Additional information on designing scientific posters can be found here:
UTK has research poster templates
Research Seminar Series
The Office of Undergraduate Research holds regular seminars in all topics relating to research including Research on Human Subjects (IRB process), Summer Research Opportunities, and How to Leverage Your Research (plus many more!)
Virtual Poster Symposium Resources
Are you participating in an online symposium? Get tips on creating unlisted YouTube links and poster guidelines.
Introduction to Research Methods Course
The Office of Undergraduate Research has created an introduction to research methods course for you to learn some of the basics about research methods.
Intellectual Property (IP) Rights
Protect your work. Protecting your intellectual property excludes others from it. No one can take your idea and profit from it. If you want to make money or start your own business, you need to protect your intellectual property.