This information is for students who received a letter from the Registrar at the end of the Summer 2024 term discussing your academic standing. If your letter indicates that you have been academically dismissed and lists “Dismissal Reinstatement” as an option, you are invited to participate in a program called Dismissal Reinstatement. Dismissal Reinstatement represents a change in the UT dismissal policy that allows continued enrollment, instead of having to sit out or remain away from UT, for students who meet certain academic criteria.
Dismissal Reinstatement allows students to continue enrollment at UT, but it does not return students to their original college; catalog statements from the colleges of Engineering, Nursing, Business, Architecture or Education declare that a student dismissed while in that college cannot return to that college. Academic and Career Exploration (ACE) Coaches in the Center for Career Development and Academic Exploration can help you choose and plan a new academic program. Click here to access the Academic and Career Exploration intake form to schedule an appointment.
The goal of Dismissal Reinstatement is to help you increase your academic skills, improve your GPA, and return to good academic standing. Dismissal Reinstatement requires your participation in resource engagement such as academic coaching and academic support workshops.
For students invited to participate in Dismissal Reinstatement at the end of the Fall 2024 semester, submit your enrollment verification form by the firm deadline listed below. Only students who received an email from the Registrar’s Office in December 2024 directing them to Dismissal Reinstatement may submit the form.
- Monday, January 13, 2025 by 11:59pm (midnight, eastern)
Spring 2025 Dismissal Reinstatement enrollment is closed.
- no previous academic dismissals; and
- a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.50 or higher; and
- 15 or fewer deficiency points.
To participate in this program, you must submit the online Dismissal Reinstatement enrollment form by the appropriate date listed above. You must also meet with your academic advisor after submitting the enrollment form, even if you have had a prior advising appointment.
- Meet with an academic advisor or ACE coach after submitting your enrollment form to plan or rework your schedule. Because your dismissal may have changed things, this must be a new meeting.
- Participate in at least three (3) academic coaching appointments (one each month) during the semester.
- Complete four (4) modules on Canvas for Dismissal Reinstatement. A new module will be available each month of the semester.
To continue uninterrupted enrollment beyond the next semester, you must achieve one of the following at the end of the term:
- Return to good standing with both term and cumulative GPAs above a 2.00, allowing you to continue enrollment in good standing; or,
- Earn at least a 2.00 term GPA, allowing you to continue enrollment on academic probation. To continue uninterrupted enrollment thereafter, you would need at least a 2.00 term GPA in subsequent semesters until you return to good standing.
- Meet with One Stop: Contact One Stop for information on costs, financial aid, and billing for your courses. There is no difference between a Dismissal Reinstatement (DR) student and any other UT undergraduate student with regard to tuition or other costs and options. Students facing dismissal at the end of their second semester will need to file a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeal to maintain aspects of their financial aid. This appeal requires an academic plan. It is important that you have this conversation with One Stop prior to meeting with your advisor.
- Submit the DR Enrollment Form: To participate in this program, you must submit the online Dismissal Reinstatement enrollment form by the appropriate deadline listed above.
- Meet with your Academic Advisor: You must meet with an academic advisor or ACE coach to reassess your course needs, even if you have already registered for classes next semester. This appointment is to make a plan for GPA repair and tailoring your program and curricular options to position you for academic success. If you know you will be filing a SAP appeal, let your advising office know when you schedule your appointment; some offices schedule additional time to construct the SAP academic plan.
- Register for Classes: Following your academic advising appointment, promptly register for a maximum of 13 credit hours. You must have a set schedule by the first day of class so that you are positioned for success and ready for the start of classes.
- Contact One Stop for all information on costs, financial aid, and billing.
- As discussed under “One Stop” in the Next Steps to DR Enrollment document above, there is no difference between a Dismissal Reinstatement student and any other UT undergraduate student with regard to tuition or other costs and options (housing, dining, etc.).