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Faith Edwards


What do you enjoy most about working with UT undergrads?

The energy college students bring to the table! Students always have ideas and aspirations that push me to be a better individual. I love watching students grow and discover themselves and the world around them as they navigate life.

What is the most important advice you would give new students?

Life is tough but so are you. You are going to be stretched in ways you didn’t think possible, but give yourself grace. The day-in and day-out of college can wear you down, so don’t forget to take care of yourself!

What is your favorite place on campus?

The botanical gardens! I love anything related to gardening, flowers, and nature in general. Taking a stroll through the gardens really helps me connect with myself so that I can be the best version of me!

Why should students take advantage of the ASC?

We are here to support you during your time at UTK. You don’t have to do this alone! College can be overwhelming and we can help you build a plan that supports your individual needs.


B.S. in Elementary Education, 2017, Johnson University

M.A. in Holistic Education, 2018, Johnson University