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Presentation Request

Please complete this form if you are looking for a Center for Career Development and Academic Exploration staff member or Peer Career Advisor to present to your class, student group, etc. 

In addition to tailored presentations, the Center for Career Development & Academic Exploration offers a virtual playlist and YouTube Channel with videos on a wide range of career-related topics for use in educational settings. You can also view assignment suggestions on our Embedding Career Development website.

If you are interested in a CliftonStrengths workshop, please visit this page.


Presentation Policies

  • Requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the preferred date. If you do not receive a response from our office within 3 business days, please email to let us know.
  • All student organizations must provide a roster for student attendance to our presenters or assist them in collecting this information. The roster should include all students first name, last name, and student email. 
  • If you are conducting an assignment along with your presentation, you must notify the Center for Career Development and Academic Exploration of all details including the deadline, overview/requirements, and number of students when the presentation is confirmed. You can email these details to

  • Please enter the organization, group, or class requesting a presentation.
  • Presentation Information

    Short descriptions of each presentation topic can be found here.
  • *If you are requesting a presentation for FYS 101, please give as many details about your section as possible (i.e. population, majors, etc.) in the Comments section at the end of the form.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the preferred date. We may not be able to accommodate your request if it is within the two week timeframe.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
    Please include the time you would like the presenter to speak instead of the duration of the entire class or meeting.
  • :
  • If your presentation is virtual, please list the zoom link or virtual for the location.