The Center for Career Development & Academic Exploration’s Elite Partners Program is intended for employers seeking to maximize their opportunities to recruit UT students. Without question, increased brand visibility is a key component in a successful recruiting campaign. Our goal for the Elite Partners Program is to work closely with you to maximize opportunities for your organization to interact with UT students and build your brand on campus. Your support helps ensure that we can deliver state-of-the-art programs and services to UT students and shows your commitment to The University of Tennessee.
There are 3 levels of partnership options for you to choose from with varying benefits associated with each one. Each sponsorship keeps you as an Elite Partner for one year from date given.
Rocky Top
$7,500+ per year
Personal Recruitment Strategy
- An annual workshop on CliftonStrengths and growth mindset given by our highly-trained Career Development staff
- A dedicated employer development team member to help you strategize your recruitment efforts and brand on-campus
Fairs & Events
- Two (2) free registrations to any center-sponsored job and internship fair
- Recognition at each job fair you register for
- First chance at registration for career center recruiting events (i.e Prepare for the Fair, Employer of the Week, etc.)
- First chance at requesting multiple representative, tables and interview rooms related to our Job Fair Week
- Invitation to the annual Employer Relations Summit meeting held in May/June
- A half page ad on a widely distributed CCDAE Career Guide
- Branding opportunities at specific events you sponsor
- Your logo on our website
- Annual inclusion of your company logo on the LED display in the Alan and Wendy Wilson Career Development Suite
Big Orange
$5,000+ per year
Fairs & Events
- One (1) free registration to any center-sponsored job and internship fair
- Recognition at each job fair you register for
- First chance at registration for career center recruiting events (i.e Prepare for the Fair, Employer of the Week, etc.)
- First chance at requesting multiple representative, tables and interview rooms related to our Job Fair Week
- Invitation to the annual Employer Relations Summit meeting held in May/June
- Branding opportunities at specific events you sponsor
- Your logo on our website
- Annual inclusion of your company logo on the LED display in the Alan and Wendy Wilson Career Development Suite
$1,000+ per year
Fairs & Events
- Recognition at each job fair you register for
- First chance at registration for career center recruiting events (i.e Prepare for the Fair, Employer of the Week, etc.)
- First chance at requesting multiple representative, tables and interview rooms related to our Job Fair Week
- Invitation to the annual Employer Relations Summit meeting held in May/June
- Branding opportunities at specific events you sponsor
- Your logo on our website
- Annual inclusion of your company logo on the LED display in the Alan and Wendy Wilson Career Development Suite
For more information about joining, please email Andrew Hart at
Rocky Top
Big Orange