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Industry: Food, Crop, and Animal Agriculture

Careers in Food, Crop, and Animal Agriculture offer opportunities in a variety of environments including laboratories, farms, production facilities, and more. Careers include a variety of sub-industries such as livestock production, animal management, education, animal food production, agriculture marketing/sales, and crop/seed management. Skills used in this area include, but are not limited to: critical thinking skills, written and verbal communication, and technical skills needed in the industry. We invite you to explore this cluster to determine if it is a good fit for you and leverage our resources to launch your job, internship, or graduate school search.

Make an Appointment with a Career Coach

  • Log into your MyUTK account.
  • Select “Academic Support” from the options at the top of the screen and select “Vol Connect” from the dropdown menu.
  • This will take you to the Vol Connect student portal.
  • Click “Connect” from the options at the top of the screen and select “Schedule Appointments” from the dropdown menu.
  • Click the blue “Schedule an Appointment” button.
  • Select the “Teams” tab.
  • Select the Center for Career Development and Academic Exploration.
  • Select the topic (Career Coaching) and subtopic. 
  • Select the preferred date, time, staff member, and modality.
  • Indicate what you would like to discuss during your appointment in the comment box.
  • To confirm the appointment, click “Schedule ___ Appointment.” Your appointment will NOT be saved until you click this button.
  • Please call 865-974-5435 if you have problems scheduling your appointment online.


Example Career Paths and Job Titles 

  • Agricultural Marketing Specialist
  • Biotatistician Education Technician
  • Extension Agent/Specialist Farm
  • Owner/Manager Farmer Instructor
  • Loan Manager Research
  • Scientist/Assistant Sales
  • Representative

  • Flavor Technologist
  • Food Safety Inspector/Quality Assurance Manager
  • Food Technologist
  • Livestock Feed Production and Development
  • Microbiologist
  • Nutritionist
  • Packaging Engineer
  • Product or Ingredient Development
  • Sensory Scientist
  • Slaughter Processor
  • Agronomist
  • Crop Advisor
  • Florist
  • Soil Scientist
  • Horticulturist
  • Seed Production
  • Technician Plant
  • Biologist
  • Plant Scientist
  • Entomologist
  • Animal Behavior Specialist
  • Animal Geneticist
  • Farm Manager
  • Feedmill Operator
  • Feedlot Manager
  • Herd Nutritionist
  • Lab Animal Technician
  • Product Development
  • Nutrition Scientist
  • Shelter Supervisor
  • Sire Analyst
  • Career Resources

    Student Organizations You can view a list of student organizations related to agriculture on VolLink or by going to the Student Organization website for the Herbert College of Agriculture. Below are a few examples of some student organizations:

    • Block and Bridle Club
    • Collegiate 4-H and FFA
    • Crop, Soil, & Environmental Science Club
    • Dairy Club
    • Food Science Club
    • Pre-Vet Association

    Research Research is another experience that can be helpful in exploring careers and gaining relevant experience. If you are considering a Masters or PhD, gaining research experience is very important (possibly even critical) for graduate school admissions. Explore the following resources for ideas on how and where to get started.

    For specific research opportunities, students are encouraged to reach out to faculty directly by browsing the department websites to learn about research areas and sending a direct email to the faculty member. Students should make sure their email is professional and may want to consider attaching a resume.

    Professional Organizations can be helpful in exploring more about certain sub-industries within Food, Crop, and Animal Agriculture, finding job opportunities, and connecting with professionals in your area of interest. Many have their own job search boards along with a way to sign up for job alerts. You can view a list of Professional Organizations associated with your area/major on What Can I Do With This Major. Below are a few examples of some professional organizations:

    Below are a few platforms you can use to research specific job opportunities within Food, Crop, and Animal Agriculture:

    Please note that many large research organizations (Merck Animal Health, Mars Petcare, etc.) and production companies (JBS, Perdue, Tyson, etc.) have their own job search platform.

    Graduate School Application Resources Many graduate school resources can be found on our Prepare for Graduate School website, including deciding on graduate school, resumes, letters of recommendation, and admissions essays/personal statements. Graduate School Applications take time and will require roughly 6-9 months of preparation. The key to applying to a graduate program within Food, Crop, and Animal Agriculture will be exploring each school and program’s process for obtaining a faculty mentor. You will likely need to research faculty associated with the program of interests and contact them to inquire about research opportunities and faculty mentorship. Below are some links you may find helpful:

    Veterinary School Application Resources Veterinary school applications are generally due around September and require 6 months-12 months of preparation. Programs are highly competitive and will review your academics, veterinary/animal experience, graduate admissions exams (if applicable to the school), and your desire to become a veterinarian. The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges provides several resources on their website regarding career path options, application process, needs, and timeline. They even provide an applicant guide and sample application for each application cycle. Below are some links that may be useful:

    If you are interested in other areas of Healthcare such as medical school, dental school, etc., please visit the Healthcare & Wellness Industry cluster on our website.

    Jobs on Handshake: Food, Crop, and Animal Agriculture