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Deployment Procedure

Veterans Deployed to Active Duty: Procedures

  1. Faculty and staff work with the student to determine the best course of action.
    The student brings his/her orders to the Veterans Benefits Administration. The VBA staff works with Financial Aid and the Bursar regarding financial and fee issues.
  2. Depending on when the deployment occurs, the student chooses the following course of action:
    • The student is withdrawn from the university and courses will be removed from the academic history. In the case of a total withdrawal, the academic history will have a notation: “Withdrew from the term and deployed to active duty.”
    • The student may receive a grade of I (Incomplete) for coursework up to the point in time of the deployment. The university catalog states that “the grade of I (Incomplete) may be awarded to students who have satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the course
      but cannot complete the course for reasons beyond their control.”
    • If the deployment occurs late in the term, the student could have completed enough work
      to receive a grade.
  3. The Bursar’s Office refunds fees if the student withdraws from the term. The Veterans Benefits Administration staff works with the student to clear up any financial aid concerns. Tuition and fees are adjusted based on course of action taken: cancellation, withdrawal effective date, or incomplete grade. If the student has financial aid, the Financial Aid staff will determine the status of the student’s financial aid.
  4. Upon return to UT, the student applies for readmission. The readmission fee is waived.