Whether you are a veteran, active-duty military, reserve member, or national guard member, you have served or are serving your nation in an extremely important and amazing capacity!
Your leadership, organization, focus, and motivation make you the ideal student and candidate for many of the rigorous academic programs at UT. You bring a whole other perspective to a classroom, college organization, and academic conversation on campus and we believe that all veterans are made to flourish when provided with adequate support and resources.
Since transitioning to higher education can be nerve-wracking and stressful by itself, the Veterans Benefit Administration (VBA) is here to bridge the gap between your transition from being a military member to being a college student.
The VBA understands that military members can sometimes have a harder transition to higher education because of the amount of time they have been out of academia compared to traditional students, many have families, and many veterans do not know how to use their VA benefits. The VBA can provide you with many in-depth and helpful resources to make that transition to college a lot easier.
Below are many of the various resources offered through our Veterans Benefits Administration to ensure you have all you need to be the most successful in your academic journey.
- Applying for Benefits
- Basic Allowance for Housing
- Benefit Types
- Checklist to get started
- Dependent/Spouse Benefits and Checklist
- Enrollment Certification Form
- Military Credits
- Non-College Degree Programs
- Order a Joint Service Transcript
- Scholarships Grants & Other Funding
- Learning Style Questionnaire